Mark has played numerous non mainstream ghastliness games, committing different playlists to them. He takes ideas from his endorsers, similarly as tracking down them himself. Now and then, Yamimash or other YouTubers recommend games to him, or he messes around that other YouTubers played that he sees as interesting. Blog
However he has gotten solicitations to mess around based on RPGMaker, for example, Ib or Mad Father, he has expressed in a video before that he feels that such games are senseless, and aren’t actually his style. Be that as it may, because of generally excellent analysis about the RPG game The Witch’s House, Mark decided to “look at it”. After the ongoing interaction, Mark conceded he had a misguided idea with respect to RPG games and that they also can be startling.
Since The Witch’s House, Mark has played Paranoiac, Mad Father, Ib, and the Crooked Man, and the exemplary adaptation of Corpse Party and has mentioned that his watchers propose more games to play. The vast majority of his fans have proposed he plays the more current form of Corpse Party or Misao, the two of which he said he will play when he finds opportunity for it.
Mark had initially confounded the exemplary Corpse Party with the more forward-thinking variant, expressing toward the completion of the playthrough that he was befuddled and said that he knew Cryaotic’s playthrough was any longer than his (approximately 30 sections, about 30 minutes or longer each). At the point when he comprehended his mix-up, he vowed to do the more exceptional form of Corpse Party when he sets aside the opportunity, as the more forward-thinking Corpse Party is an extremely extensive game. Shop Markiplier Merchandise here
After Mark plays the games he for the most part gives a short investigate about the game before culmination the video. While playing “Evil,” an Indie Horror Game, Mark was not engaged. He was unable to find the target of the game, and keeping in mind that he partook in two or three mechanics of the game, he didn’t imagine that the sluggish paced and awkward controls made a big difference for the environment. Anything environment the game had created in the primary snapshots of the experience was totally wrecked after a short time. An inflatable variant of Slenderman left Mark confounded, in like manner expressing that one couldn’t simply place frightening stuff in a game to make it really unnerving.
A few independent games Mark has played incorporate, however are not restricted to: Hide, Stalked, One Late Night, Evil, Hyde, Slendytubbies, Inside, The Corridor, Maze, Hylophobia, The Rake: Return to Asylum, The House, The House 2, Where Am I, Bunny Man: Lost Souls, Labyrinth, Labyrinth (as in Greek Mythology), The Rake: Hostel, Which, 1916, Imscared, Resolute Dark, Forest, Lasting, Exmortis, Mental Hospital, Illusion, Pesadelo, Inculcation, Sonic.exe, Dark Ocean, Fibrillation, Dream of the Bloodmoon, Five Nights at Freddy’s, and The Grudge.